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  • Viale Europa 7/9, Gambellara, Vicenza
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Battery powered tug SP20

For heavy loads up to 20 tonnes

spintore elettrico 20 ton
Battery powered tug 20 ton,Battery powered tug 20 tons
fas fa-clipboard-check
Immediate availability
fab fa-weixin
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fas fa-tools
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fas fa-truck
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Technical description battery powered tug SP20

  • Pull and push: 20 t
  • Dual lashing speed: up to 24 m/min
  • Safety brake
  • Assisted steering support
  • Led battery indicator
  • Acoustic movement detector
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Weight: 80 kg
fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down
fas fa-truck-loading
Load capacity
20 ton
fas fa-flag-checkered
up to 24 m/min
fas fa-weight-hanging
Own weight:
80 kg
fas fa-plug

How to move heavy loads with the SP20 Battery powered tug

Perfect solution for safe transport thanks to the 3-point support: a single person can safely transport a load of up to 10 tonnes.

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Viale Europa 7/9, Gambellara, Vicenza, Italy

CALL NOW, an expert answers ... always:

+39 0444 440412

Opening hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:30 -12:30 – 14:00 - 18:00

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